3 votes
In this activity, you will submit the work you completed for the "Explore: Products" assignment. Type your response directly into the space provided or paste your work from a saved document.


Mate is a very common and traditional drink in several South American countries. Using the internet, research information about mate. What countries consume this traditional drink? What is it? When is it common to have this drink? Why is this drink important to the people who drink it? Do you think you would like the taste? How is it prepared? In Spanish, write a minimum of five sentences answering these questions about mate.

You will be graded on (a) appropriate use of grammar and vocabulary, (b) completeness and detail of the response, and (c) overall quality of the response.

You may use outside sources (Internet, books, magazines, etc.) to gather information for this assignment. However, be sure not to copy the information directly from those sources. Copying information and presenting it as your own work is considered plagiarism and will result in a failing grade. You will need to rephrase the information into your own words and cite the source of the information you used. Give credit by to the author and website by including the hyperlink where you

2 Answers

6 votes


Mate is a traditional plant from the South of South America that is processed and consumed in the form of an infusion with hot water. This plant is left to dry and is ground to make the infusion. As a whole most of the time it’s a type of infusion that people take to keep calm.Mate’s origin lies with the indigenous Guaraní people. It’s taken in different countries because it is a tradition inherited from the indigenous people of this region. Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and part of Paraguay adopted this tradition says donquijote.orgThis drink is very important for the people of this region because they take it as a snack in the morning and afternoon. They consider it important. Taragui.com explains to make the drink you would fill a container with yerba, pouring hot water over the leaves, and drinking with a straw, the bombilla, which acts as a filter so as to draw only the liquid and not the yerba leaves.According to the people who have consumed it, mate has a slightly bitter vegetable flavor. With this I think I probably wouldn’t like it because bitter isn’t my favorite. I would still love to try it.

Step-by-step explanation:

User Maxwell
8.0k points
5 votes


El mate es una bebida muy común y tradicional en varios países de Sudamérica, como Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay y Chile. Es una infusión de hierbas y agua caliente que se toma en una taza especial llamada mate. El mate es una bebida social que se comparte con amigos y familiares, y es común beberla en cualquier momento del día, aunque es especialmente popular por la mañana y en la tarde.

Para las personas que beben mate, esta bebida es muy importante porque es una forma de conectarse con su cultura y sus raíces. Además, se considera una bebida muy saludable debido a sus propiedades antioxidantes y energizantes. El sabor del mate es amargo y puede ser un poco difícil de acostumbrarse al principio, pero se puede agregar azúcar o miel para endulzarlo.

La preparación del mate es un proceso que requiere habilidad y práctica. Primero, se llena la taza de mate con yerba mate, que es una hierba seca y triturada. Luego, se coloca la bombilla, un tubo metálico con un filtro en un extremo, en la taza y se agrega agua caliente. Después de unos minutos, se puede comenzar a beber a través de la bombilla, compartiendo la taza con amigos y familiares.

En resumen, el mate es una bebida muy popular y tradicional en varios países de Sudamérica, y es importante para las personas que lo beben porque les permite conectarse con su cultura y sus raíces. Aunque puede ser un poco difícil de acostumbrarse al principio, el sabor amargo del mate puede ser endulzado con azúcar o miel. La preparación del mate requiere habilidad y práctica, y se bebe a través de una bombilla metálica en una taza especial llamada mate.

Step-by-step explanation:

User Ryan Emerle
7.6k points