Layout: MedicationMedication: It is important to reassess Tom's medication since he has not responded well to his previous treatment plan. His symptoms of stomach pain, diarrhea, and B12 deficiency could be side effects of the medication. Therefore, it may be necessary to change the medication or adjust the dosage. Research shows that some medications used to treat NIDDM can have adverse effects on the gastrointestinal system and can cause vitamin B12 deficiency (1). The advantages of medication for NIDDM include controlling blood glucose levels, reducing the risk of complications, and improving quality of life.
Evaluation & Justification of treatment: It is essential to balance the advantages and disadvantages of the medication. Advantages of the medication include the ability to regulate blood glucose levels and reduce the risk of complications such as cardiovascular disease and kidney damage. However, adverse effects may include gastrointestinal symptoms and a risk of hypoglycemia. Therefore, a careful assessment of the medication and its potential side effects is crucial in determining whether it is the best course of action for Tom.
Review of Tom's needs: Based on the case study, it appears that the medication plan has not been successful for Tom in meeting his health needs.
No: Since Tom has not responded well to the current medication plan, it is necessary to consider other options. One potential barrier to this could be the availability of other medications, the cost of medication, or a resistance to trying new medications. It may be necessary to have an open discussion with Tom about his concerns and preferences regarding medication to develop a new plan that is acceptable and effective for him.
How to overcome barriers in relation to new or continuing treatment: To overcome any potential barriers to new medication, it is essential to provide information and education to Tom about the medication, its benefits and risks, and potential side effects. It may also be helpful to involve a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals to provide additional support and expertise. Additionally, discussing Tom's preferences and concerns regarding medication can help to develop a treatment plan that he feels comfortable with.
Layout: Support ReviewSupport: Tom may benefit from additional support to help him manage his NIDDM. This may include lifestyle changes such as dietary modifications, exercise programs, and stress reduction techniques.
Evaluation & Justification of support: The advantages of support for NIDDM include improving blood glucose control, reducing the risk of complications, and improving overall health and wellbeing. However, some possible disadvantages of support may include cost, time constraints, and difficulty in adhering to lifestyle changes. It is essential to balance these factors to determine whether the support is suitable for Tom.
Review of Tom's needs: Based on the case study, it is unclear whether the support plan has been successful for Tom in meeting his health needs.
No: If the current support plan is not effective, it may be necessary to consider other options. Barriers to new support may include availability, accessibility, and affordability. It is essential to work with Tom to develop a support plan that is tailored to his needs and preferences.
How to overcome barriers in relation to new or continuing support: To overcome potential barriers to new support, it may be necessary to involve a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals, such as a dietitian, an exercise specialist, or a mental health counselor. Providing education and support for lifestyle changes can also help to increase adherence and motivation. Additionally, it is important to consider Tom's preferences and barriers to lifestyle changes to develop a support plan that he can realistically maintain.
Dharmalingam M, Yeh M, Ng C, Yao X. Common Medications and Their Effects on Vitamin B12 Status. Practical Gastroenterology. 2017;41(3):246-252.