accessing organs and extending their lives. The prohibition on market sales is effectively a price ceiling set a zero. As a result, the only available organs are those supplied by altruistic donors - people who are willing to supply organs at a zero price. The quantity supplied can't be increased with (illegal) price incentives, In general, price ceilings have three predictable effects: they 1. Increase the quantity demanded. 2. Decrease the quantity supplied. 3. Create a market shortage. The following figure illustrates the consequences of this price ceiling. At a price of a zero, only the quantity qa of "altruistic" organs is available (roughly one-third of the potential supply). But the quantity qd is demanded by all the organ-diseased individuals. The market shortage qd−qa tells us how many patients will die. Supply demand curve Economists contend that many of these deaths are unnecessary. A University of Pennsylvania study showed that the quantity of organs supplied doubled when payment was offered. Without the government-set price ceiling. more organ-diseased patients would live. The figure shows that qE people would get transplants in a marketdriven system. In the government-regulated system, only the quantity of qa of transplants can occur. Why does the government impose price controls that condemn more people to die? Because it feels the market unfairly distributes available organs. Only people who can afford the price PEE end up living in the market-based system - a feature regulators say is unfair. In the absence of the market mechanism, however, the government must set other rules for who gets the even smaller quantity of organs supplied. That rationing system may be unfair as well. Q: When a price ceiling of zero is imposed on the organ market, by how much does the quantity of organs supplied decrease? a. The quantity of organs supplied decreases from qE to qa. b. The quantity of organs supplied doesn't change with the imposition of a zero price ceiling. c. The quantity of organs supplied increases from qd to qa. d. The quantity of organs supplied decreases from qd to qe - passea the ivationar vigan itanspiantakon Act, whicn proniors sucn transacuons in trie uruced states. Iriss prohibition was partly based on moral and religious beliefs, as well as equity concerns related to the question of "FOR WHOM". If organs could be bought and sold, it is likely that the wealthy would have an unfair advantage in accessing organs and extending their lives. The prohibition on market sales is effectively a price ceiling set a zero. As a result, the only available organs are those supplied by altruistic donors - people who are willing to supply organs at a zero price. The quantity supplied can't be increased with (illegal) price incentives. In general, price ceilings have three predictable effects: they 1. Increase the quantity demanded. 2. Decrease the quantity supplied. 3. Create a market shortage. The following figure illustrates the consequences of this price ceiling. At a price of a zero, only the quantity qa of "altruistic" organs is available (roughly one-third of the potential supply). But the quantity qd is demanded by all the organ-diseased individuals. The market shortage qd−qa tells us how many patients will die. RSupply demand curve Economists contend that many of these deaths are unnecessary. A University of Pennsylvania study showed that the quantity of organs supplied doubled when payment was offered. Without the government-set price ceiling. more organ-diseased patients would live. The figure shows that qE people would get transplants in a marketdriven system. In the government-regulated system, only the quantity of qa of transplants can occur. Why does the government impose price controls that condemn more people to die? Because it thels the market unfairly distributes available organs. Only people who can afford the price PEE end up living in the market-based system - a feature regulators say is unfair. In the absence of the market mechanism, however, the government must set other fules for who gets the even smaller quantity of organs supplied. That rationing system may be unfair as well.Q: When a price ceiling of zero is imposed on the organ market, by how much does the quantity of organs supplied decrease?a. The quantity of organs supplied decreases from qE to qs. b. The quantity of organs supplied doesn't change with the imposition of a zero price ceiling. c. The quantity of organs supplied increases from qd to qs. d. The quantity of organs supplied decreases from qd to qE.