Step-by-step explanation:
Someone Needs to Help
Someone needs to help, but who will it be?
Who will rise up and show them the way?
Who will extend a hand, offer some relief?
Who will step forward, come what may?
Someone needs to help, but where do we start?
How can we ease the burden of their pain?
How can we lift them up and warm their heart?
How can we make them smile again?
Someone needs to help, but why should we care?
Why should we give when we have so much to gain?
Why should we be kind and show we're there?
Why should we try to ease their pain?
The answer is simple, yet often hard to see,
We all need help, it's part of being alive.
So let's be the someone that we'd want us to be,
Let's be the one to help others thrive.