1. Improved problem-solving and creativity: Conflict can force people to think more creatively and come up with new solutions to problems. When people are forced to think outside the box and consider different perspectives, they may be able to find more innovative solutions to problems.
2. Increased understanding and communication: Conflict can also lead to increased understanding and communication between people. When people are forced to confront their differences and work through conflicts, they may gain a better understanding of each other's perspectives and be able to communicate more effectively in the future.
3. Strengthened relationships: While conflict can sometimes damage relationships, it can also sometimes strengthen them. When people are able to work through conflicts and find a resolution, they may develop a deeper understanding and respect for each other, which can ultimately lead to stronger relationships. This can be especially true in situations where the conflict is resolved through open and honest communication and a mutual commitment to finding a solution that works for everyone involved.
A lot of these ideas are seen in both found in fictional stories, where conflict forces characters to work together and solve a problem, and in real-life examples, such as war, where countries ally to fight against something they both agree is the greater evil.