Use the following to newer the questions
Colin Jackson recently porchesed Blue Waters Adventures, a kayak and emoeing rental business near the Chateworths River in Arizons Bos Waters Adventures had been in
operation for five years and was located in an idea ares. Even though the winters in the ares can be cold, kayaking and canoeing sctivities are generally popoder year-round. After
wo months of operation, it became clear why the previous owners had sold the besisese. While the bovines appeared to be ideally located, ustes were extremely disappointing.
Refer to Scenario 42. Colin went to the university library and collected everything he could find on the keyaking and coring sports industries. He found a significant amount of
information, but it didn't seem to be in the format that he could actually use in his malysis. Cofin realized that he could just one this preliminary date as a resource to help him
design his plan for offering focus groups and possibly for designing a murvey. The preliminary data is referred to se while the date from focus groups and urveys is
Osecondary date observation
Ob exploratory date, primary
Osecondary date, primary
Od primary date, secondary and observational
Geprimery date, descriptive