Answer: Polar Easterly winds: Cold dry winds blowing between the polar high-pressure cell
and the sub-polar low-pressure belt.
Westerly Winds: Moist warmer winds blowing from the sub-tropical high pressure
belt to the sub-polar low-pressure belt.
Ferrell cell: global circulation cell between 30º - 60º S/N
Sub-polar Low-pressure belt: Low-pressure area at around 60ºN/S and uplift
causes low-pressure cells.
Polar front: where westerly and polar easterlies meet at the polar low-pressure belt
Cold front: boundary where cold air moves toward warm air and shifts it, but it does
not mix due to different densities and temperatures.
Warm front: boundary where warm air moves toward cold air and glides over it as it
is not dense enough to shift the cold air.
Coriolis force: the force caused by different rotation speeds along the latitudes of
the earth, which deflects wind to the left in the Southern hemisphere and to the right
in the Northern hemisphere.
Cyclone: intense low-pressure cell where air rise and clouds form
Mid-altitude cyclones: intense low-pressure storms system that develops along the
polar front and influences weather in the mid-latitudes (30º - 60ºN/S)
Backing of wind: wind changes direction due to the clockwise movement of air around
low pressure in the southern hemisphere.
Veering of winds: Cumulonimbus clouds: vertically developed clouds causing precipitation- they form
along the cold front due to steed gradient
Stratus clouds: horizontally developed grey clouds – form along the warm front