Step-by-step explanation:
Title: The Unbreakable Friendship
Anil and Sunil had been inseparable friends since they were children. Anil was born with polio and could only move around on crutches, while Sunil was visually challenged, having lost his sight in an accident when he was a toddler. Despite their disabilities, they found comfort and strength in each other's company.
Their friendship was tested one day when they were on their way home from school. A group of bullies started to tease and taunt them, making fun of their disabilities. Anil was used to the ridicule, but Sunil had never experienced such hostility before. He was about to break down in tears when Anil stepped forward and faced the bullies. He spoke in a firm voice, telling them to stop their cruelty and leave them alone.
The bullies, taken aback by Anil's courage, backed off and left. Sunil was in awe of his friend's bravery, and from that day on, their friendship became unbreakable.
As they grew up, Anil and Sunil faced many challenges together, but they never let their disabilities hold them back. Anil became an advocate for people with disabilities, speaking up for their rights and fighting against discrimination. Sunil pursued his passion for music, becoming a talented singer and songwriter.
Years later, when they were both grown up and successful in their own ways, they met again at their old school. They stood in the courtyard, looking back at the memories they had made together. Anil turned to Sunil and said, "You know, we may be disabled in some ways, but we are more able than anyone to see the beauty in life."
Sunil smiled and replied, "That's true, my friend. We are unbreakable."
And with that, they walked away, their bond stronger than ever before.