So at school, I got into this fight and I had already been suspended 5 times and they said if I got suspended one more time I was going to get expelled and this girl during lunch comes up to me and splashes water all over me and part of me was thinking if I should fight her or not because I was really upset. I was gonna choose not to fight her but my emotions took control over me and I started punching her and beating her up. Eventually, I got expelled from the school for making her eye bleed but I feel like it was the wrong decision because I had to deal with a lot of consequences while choosing to go down that path and fight her. But honestly, if I could go back and change my decision I probably wouldn't just because the girl was really getting me tight. And it was difficult because I knew if I were to have picked to not fight her people would think that I was different from choosing to actually not fight someone for the first time. So this was a pretty tough decision for me. (sry for the long answer lol)
Step-by-step explanation: