Step-by-step explanation:
The Jews were threatened by death if they did not turn in their radios because the Nazis wanted to control the information that the Jews were receiving, as they saw the radios as a means of communication and a potential source of rebellion. People watch news to stay informed about current events and to make decisions based on the information they receive.
Two sufferings that Jack Welner endures are hunger and fear. He describes the constant hunger he feels due to the lack of food in the concentration camp, as well as the fear he experiences on a daily basis as he witnesses the cruelty and brutality of the Nazi guards.
According to Jack's story, the Jews were dehumanized in many ways, including being stripped of their identity and reduced to a number, being forced to wear a uniform that distinguished them from others, and being subjected to inhumane treatment and living conditions. The Nazis also referred to them as "vermin" and "subhuman," further emphasizing their dehumanization.
Jack Welner's advice in the last paragraph means that it is important to remember the lessons of the past and to take action to prevent similar atrocities from happening in the future. He stresses the importance of standing up against discrimination and hatred and promoting tolerance and understanding. This advice serves as a reminder that we must learn from the past and work towards a better future for all.