Your muscles help you move, help your organs to move fluids around, and help your body work. Different types of muscles have different jobs. There are many problems that can affect muscles. Muscle disorders can cause weakness, pain, or even paralysis. The causes of muscle disorders can be as simple as a sprain or strain, or as complicated as a genetic disorder or cancer. Many times the specific cause may not be known.
Research one of the muscular disorders listed below or any other that you find. Design a pamphlet or brochure about the disorder and one medication or treatment method used to help those that have the disorder. Include who can be affected by the disorder, how common (or uncommon it is), and how researchers think the medication or treatment will help. Explain its general effectiveness and any side effects the medication or treatment may cause. Remember to cite all your sources.
Myopathy (congenital, muscular, mitochondrial)
Glycogen storage diseases of muscle
Myositis ossifican
Stiff-man syndrome
Central core disease
Multifocal motor neuropath
Congenital fiber-type disproportion