The Wald Interval: Wald intervals can be used to obtain interval estimates for a parameter such as an odds ratio. Wald intervals can be used for normally distributed data, and for large samples, they can be used for binary data. Wald intervals are used to calculate confidence intervals.Using the Wald interval, the odds ratio and its 95% confidence interval are given by the formula which is as follows:OR=Odds ratioZ_α/2=Z-value of a normal distribution at a level α/2 of significance SE=Standard errorOR=1.0599, Z_α/2=1.96, and SE=0.5704 can be obtained from the data in the table. Odds ratio (OR) is the ratio of the odds of an outcome in the treatment group compared to the odds of that outcome in the control group. The odds ratio indicates the likelihood of the outcome occurring in one group compared to the likelihood of it occurring in the other. In this case, OR=1.0599.Profile Likelihood: Profile likelihood is an approach that can be used to construct a confidence interval. The profile likelihood is a way of eliminating nuisance parameters, which are parameters that are not of direct interest but are necessary for calculating the parameter of interest. A confidence interval for the parameter of interest can be calculated using the profile likelihood.The odds ratio and its 95% confidence interval can be obtained using the profile likelihood.The odds ratio (OR) is given by the formulaOR=exp[θ], where θ is the natural logarithm of the odds ratio. In this case, OR=1.0599.The 95% confidence interval is obtained by finding the values of θ that correspond to the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles of the distribution of the profile likelihood ratio test statistic. The profile likelihood ratio test statistic is defined as twice the difference in the log-likelihoods between the model with the parameter of interest fixed at its maximum likelihood estimate and the model with the parameter of interest estimated.The effect of the zero cell count on the confidence interval is that it makes the interval wider. When a cell count is zero, the odds ratio cannot be calculated, which can lead to a larger standard error and a wider confidence interval.