Taking care of our health and developing a healthy life is every individual’s responsibility. However, we often neglect our health amidst our busy schedule and as such face difficulty in the future. Our level of fitness totally depends on the amount of physical activity we perform in our daily life.
Step-by-step explanation:
This level of fitness can be easily achieved by inculcating a habit of daily exercise followed by eating healthy. Drinking sufficient amounts of water and cutting out any form of junk and unhealthy food from our diet is very important for our body and helps in weight loss. Water plays a major role in fat curbing and removes all the unwanted toxins from our body. Any form of unhealthy weight gain may lead to obesity and make us physically inactive. Lack of proper exercise and diet also result in fatigue, headache and improper sleep cycle which harm us not only physically but also mentally. Lighter forms of exercise such as meditation, yoga, and walking reduce stress and give peace of mind to us after a hectic day . Due to the use of technology in our daily life, we have become more inactive due to the lack of any physical activity. We hardly walk to the nearest store, play on the grounds or use the staircase of our building, rather we do it all through technology without burning any of our calories. Therefore, a little physical exercise makes us tired and ill. But it's never too late and we can always start a healthy lifestyle whenever we want to.