In fact ! the level of the sounds coming out of our throat is the same during day and night. But the sound is heard at a greater distance in the night than in the day. Because the intensity of noise is also less at night than during the day.which makes our voice heard over longer distances The air is relatively cooler at night due to which the humidity of the air increases. The speed of sound increases when the air is more humid Due to which we can hear loud and long distance.
Step-by-step explanation:
The sounds being louder at night due to Refraction of sound waves.
The Sound waves travel differently at night than during the day. During the day the sound bends away from the ground in during the night it bends towards the ground.
Know more:
- When sound travels in a given medium, it strikes the surface of another medium and bounces back in some other direction, this phenomenon is called the Reflection of sound.
The first law of Reflection
- The incident wave the reflected wave, and the normal at the point of incidence lie on the same plane.
The second law of Reflection
- The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.
Interference of sound
- The Constructive interference : that situation where the resultant wave is bigger than either of the two original, is said to be constructive interference.
- The Destructive interference : The sum of two waves can be less than either wave alone and can even be zero.
Diffraction of sound
- It is the spreading of waves around obstacles.
- Diffraction takes place with sound with
- when electromagnetic radiation such as light, X-rays and gamma rays .