Cause and effect
The author of this example is explaining things to pack when you plan to go on a camping trip and what can possibly happen if you do not pack them.
Step-by-step explanation:
There a 5 main types of text structure. These include:
Description - The author talks about something in a ton of detail
Clue words - to illustrate, looks like, smells like
Cause and effect - The author talks about what happened and why
Clue words - because, if, as a result, therefore
Compare and contrast - The author talks about how two or more things are similar and different
Clue words - similar to, in comparison, in contrast, on the other hand
Problem and solution - The author talks about a problem and one or several ways to solve it
Clue words - problem, solution, challenges
Sequence - The order of a procedure or an event.
Clue words - first, next, finally