Answer:The only way to get through it is to keep moving forward. Everyone has their ups and downs in life, but there is no reason to let it stop you.There are good things that happen to us in life, and there are bad things. It’s important to remember that every situation has a positive and negative aspect.Let go of the negativity because it doesn’t do anyone any good.Being grateful is a great way to be happy and healthy. It helps you feel more positive about life and makes you happier overall.It’s so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of your daily life. Being grateful will give you a positive outlook and make you see the beauty in everyday life.It’s important to stay positive in your personal life and professional life. Negativity not only is unproductive, it canbe downright dangerous. When you’re negative, you should expect negativity in return.When you feel a negative feeling coming on, take three deep breaths and tell yourself ‘I am not going to let this negative feeling get to me.’ The more often you say it, the easier it becomes.The best way to get rid of negative feelings is to focus on the positive”. When you are happy, your brain releases chemicals that make you feel great.It’s easy to get caught up in the negativity of life and spend all your time listening to people complain about how unhappy they are. But there are ways to become happier, and one way is by practicing gratitude.Being human is about falling and getting back up. That’s all that we do. That’s what makes us who we are. Falling is a part of life, so it’s important to know how to get back up and face the world again.Have you ever watched a child start to walk for the first time? They look so wobbly and unsteady at first but then they start to get better and better. That is the power of habit.Happiness is a huge factor in our lives. It’s why we keep going when things aren’t easy or when life gets hard. We have to know what makes us happy, and how to make ourselves happy.We all have days where we are happy and content. But there’s no way to be happy all the time. We can only focus on what is important and make the most of those moments of happiness.That’s the word from psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, who claims that happiness is the one thing that brings us solace and contentment in life. It’s important to get back up every time you fall down