its your own opinion but I might still help....
Step-by-step explanation:
Friendship is a special relationship that is built on trust, mutual respect, and shared experiences. When children from different backgrounds, cultures, or social classes form a friendship, it can be a powerful way to break down barriers and promote understanding.
The concept of a "fence" can represent many different kinds of boundaries, such as physical boundaries between neighborhoods, cultural or linguistic barriers, or even social hierarchies. When children on both sides of the fence form a bond, they are able to see beyond these boundaries and connect with each other as individuals.
These friendships can have a positive impact on the children involved, as they learn to appreciate and celebrate each other's differences. They can also serve as a model for others, encouraging greater empathy and understanding across diverse groups.
Overall, the beautiful bond of friendship formed between children on both sides of the fence is a powerful reminder of the human capacity for connection and compassion.