Following are the code to this question:
#include <iostream>//header file
using namespace std;
int main()//main method
int axb[100];//defining 1-array of 100 elements
int odd_axb[100], even_axb[100];//defining two array that holds 100-elements
int i,size=0,size1=0;
for(i = 0; i < 100; i++)//defining for loop to assign value in array
axb[i] = rand() % 100 + 1;//using rand method to assign value with random numbers between 1 and 100
for(i = 0; i < 100; i++)//defining for loop that seprates array value in odd and even array
if(axb[i] % 2 == 0)//checking even condition
even_axb[size++] = axb[i];//holding even number
else//else block
odd_axb[size1++] = axb[i];//holding Odd number
//printing values
cout << "Odd array: ";//print message
for(i = 0; i <size1; i++)//use for loop for print odd numbers
cout << odd_axb[i]<<" ";//printing values
cout <<"\\\\"<< "Even array: ";//print message
for(i = 0; i <size; i++)//use for loop for print even_axb numbers
cout << even_axb[i] << " ";//printing values
return 0;
Odd array: 87 87 93 63 91 27 41 27 73 37 69 83 31 63 3 23 59 57 43 85 99 25 71 27 81 57 63 71 97 85 37 47 25 83 15 35 65 51 9 77 79 89 85 55 33 61 77 69 13 27 87 95
Even array: 84 78 16 94 36 50 22 28 60 64 12 68 30 24 68 36 30 70 68 94 12 30 74 22 20 38 16 14 92 74 82 6 26 28 6 30 14 58 96 46 68 44 88 4 52 100 40 40
In the above-program, three arrays "axb, odd_axb, and even_axb" is defined, that holds 100 elements in each, in the next step, three integer variable "i, size, and size1" is defined, in which variable "i" used in the for a loop.
In the first for loop, a rand method is defined that holds 100 random numbers in the array, and in the next, for-loop a condition statement is used that separates even, odd number and store its respective array, and in the last for loop, it prints its store values