What is the role of water in the life of a plant?
A. Dental corruption is when dentists or other dental professionals accept bribes or commit other unethical or illegal acts in order to gain an advantage.
B. Dental eruption occurs when teeth grow out of the gums and into the mouth.
C. The process that leads to the development of cavities or caries is when plaque, a sticky film of bacteria, builds up on the teeth. The bacteria in the plaque use sugar from the food we eat to produce acid, which can then dissolve the enamel on the teeth.
D. Caries is more common in pregnant women because the hormonal changes can make the enamel on the teeth more susceptible to acid erosion.
E. Excretion is important to achieve osmotic balance because it removes wastes from the body and helps to control the amount of water in the cells.
F. Aquatic animals generally are ammonotelic in nature, which means that they excrete ammonia as their primary waste product. Terrestrial forms are not ammonotelic, and instead excrete urea or uric acid as their primary waste product.
G. Ammonotelic animals typically have a less complex digestive system than ureotelic or uricotelic animals. Ammonotelic animals also typically have a higher concentration of ammonia in their blood and tissues.
H. Ureotelic animals typically have a more complex digestive system than ammonotelic animals. They also typically have a lower concentration of ammonia in their blood and tissues.
I. Uricotelic animals typically have the simplest digestive system of the three types. They also have the highest concentration of uric acid in their blood and tissues.
J. Some examples of ammonotelic animals include fish, frogs, and snails. Some examples of ureotelic animals include mammals, including humans, and birds. Some examples of uricotelic animals include reptiles, including snakes and lizards.
K. Thigmotropism is the response of a plant or other organism to touch. When a plant is touched, it produces a hormone called auxin, which causes the plant to grow more in the direction of the touch. This can help the plant to better anchor itself to the ground.