A hunter trying to catch a fish aims above where he sees the fish because the fish is usually not in the exact spot that the hunter sees it. The fish is likely to move out of the way of the hook, so aiming slightly above the spot where the fish is seen gives the hunter a better chance of catching it. Furthermore, the fish may be swimming in a certain direction and the hunter needs to account for this in order to be successful. By aiming slightly above the spot where the fish is seen, the hunter can ensure that the hook will be in the path of the fish and increase the chances of catching it.
Diving birds dive straight down to catch a fish because it is the most efficient way for them to catch their prey. By diving straight down, the bird is able to reach the fish quickly and with minimal effort. Additionally, the bird is able to surprise the fish, giving it less time to react and swim away. The bird can also use its wings to help it dive faster and reach the fish more quickly. By diving straight down, the bird is able to maximize its chances of catching the fish and ensuring its next meal.