In Chapter 6 of Sophie's World, the discussion revolves around the concept of foreseeing the future, with the focus being on the Oracle of Delphi. The Oracle of Delphi was a priestess named Pithia, who delivered prophecies that were believed to come from the gods. The prophecies were often cryptic and required interpretation, but they were nonetheless taken seriously and were a significant part of Greek society.
The word "influenza" is mentioned in passing on page 54, and it is noted that it originally meant a "malign [bad] influence from the stars." This is a reference to the ancient belief that diseases were caused by the alignment of the planets and stars. While this belief may seem superstitious to us today, it was a common belief in ancient times and was taken seriously by many people.
Overall, the discussion of the Oracle of Delphi in the chapter highlights the human desire to know the future and the ways in which different societies have attempted to satisfy that desire. The fact that the Oracle's prophecies were taken seriously by the Greeks underscores the importance of religion and mythology in ancient Greek society. Additionally, the reference to the word "influenza" serves as a reminder of the ways in which language and beliefs have evolved over time.