High School
The film opens with a young woman out for a run in the woods. She jogs down a path, over a footbridge, up some stairs, a beach path, and a boardwalk. The physical setting is a scenic area with a lighthouse and beach in the distance.
As the film progresses, the mood becomes tense and suspenseful. The runner's mind is initially calm and relaxed, but as she sees the dark shape of a person below the lighthouse, her mood becomes concerned and anxious.
The director creates the mood by using fast-paced music, quick camera cuts, and close-up shots of the runner's face to illustrate her emotions.
In Part 2, the runner's mind changes as she sees the figure behind her multiple times. Finally, she becomes nervous and scared as she runs back down the path and falls while trying to unlock the door to a white house.
Overall, the film creates a sense of danger and fear as an unknown figure pursues the runner. The suspenseful music and camera techniques convey the runner's emotions and keep the audience on the edge of their seat.
Step-by-step explanation: