When you look up to someone and think of them as your role model, do you ever consider that your role model may be putting on an act? Your role model might be someone who knows how to push people to be great, but trying to be like them can be exhausting. Some influencers might be different in person, as they exaggerate themselves online to draw attention to themselves. When they exaggerate themselves, they put on a mask that might be greater than what they are in real life. For example, they might be super friendly on the internet, but when you meet them, they could be super mean. This could affect how you view them.
Yes, role models can be the same as they are online, but it isn't as common as it was in the past. They can be a positive influence on you, but sometimes, that just isn't the case. They exaggerate their appearance, either because of insecurity or fear. It's best to take them with a grain of salt. To expand on this, some influencers are so insecure that they don't want people comparing themselves to them, as they competition is overwhelming for them. Compared to others, their mental health may be negatively affected, leading to no motivation to continue their act. This is why people shouldn't compare themselves to their role models, as you don't truly know them.
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