Spiegelmans, the parents in the graphic novel "Maus" by Art Spiegelman, employ a patenting strategy that has both pros and cons. On the one hand, they are very protective of their son, Artie, and want the best for him. This is evident when they send him to a private school and later hire a tutor to help him with his studies. They also try to shield him from the horrors of the Holocaust, which they themselves experienced. For example, they hide their stories and artifacts from Artie and are hesitant to talk about their past.
However, their overprotective nature can also be seen as a con. This is evident when they do not let Artie go to summer camp with his friends because they are afraid something bad might happen to him. They also do not trust him to make decisions for himself, such as when they do not let him choose his own clothes or shave his head. This can be seen as stunting Artie's growth and independence.
The Spiegelmans' anger towards Margo, Artie's first wife, can also be seen as both justified and unjustified. On the one hand, Margo does frequently run away from her responsibilities and Artie, leaving him to take care of their child. This can be seen as a lack of maturity and commitment on her part. However, it is also possible that Margo's actions are a byproduct of the Spiegelmans' poor parenting skills. They are so overprotective and controlling that Margo feels suffocated and needs to escape.
For example, when Margo first meets Artie's parents, she is uncomfortable with how they try to control her behavior and speech. She later tells Artie that she feels like she is living in a concentration camp. This suggests that the Spiegelmans' patenting style may be too strict and oppressive, leading Margo to rebel in her own way.
In conclusion, the Spiegelmans' patenting strategy has both pros and cons. While they are protective of their son and want the best for him, their overprotective nature can also stifle his growth and independence. Their anger towards Margo may be justified in some ways, but it is also possible that her actions are a byproduct of their poor parenting skills. Overall, the novel suggests that a balance needs to be struck between protecting and nurturing children, and giving them the freedom to grow and make their own decisions.