I don't see a question, nor a number that defines "we." Lets look at the manner in which a qustion would be solved by assuming there are 2 individuals and that they both save £12/week for 10 weeks.
The equation that would tell us how much they will have saved by their holiday can be written in the following steps.
1. Each individual is saving at the rate of £12/week.
2. Lets say there are N individuals, saving for W weeks.
2. Total savings over a period of weeks, W, would be (£12)*W for each person.
3. If all N individuals save at the same rate, then the total saved for W weeks would be: Total Saved = N*(£12)*W.
4. In this question, we are assuming 10 weeks and 2 individuals. Subsitute these values of W and N intio the above equation:
Total Saved = N*(£12)*W
Total Saved = 2*(£12)*10
Total Saved = £240