In a box-and-whisker plot, the box represents the middle 50% of the data, with the median value marked by a vertical line inside the box. The "whiskers" extend from the box to the minimum and maximum values in the data set that are not considered outliers. Outliers are marked by individual points outside the whiskers.
To determine the percentage of data values that are greater than a given value, we need to look at the box-and-whisker plot to see where that value falls in the data set. If the value is outside the box, we know that at least 50% of the data values are either greater or less than that value, depending on whether the value is greater or less than the median. If the value is inside the box, we know that exactly 50% of the data values are greater and 50% are less than that value.
In the case of the value 72, we cannot determine the percentage of data values that are greater than it without knowing where it falls in the box-and-whisker plot. If it falls outside the box, we only know that at least 50% of the data values are greater than it. If it falls inside the box, we only know that exactly 50% of the data values are greater than it.