Answer: People should get vaccinated, but government shouldn’t force it
Explanation: Lawmakers enjoy using force. It goes against their nature to suggest leaving us alone to make our own choices. Undoubtedly, a civilized society occasionally requires the use of governmental forces, such as the police to punish murderers, the military to defend us against foreign attackers, and the environmental police to prevent my smoke from entering your lungs. However, the political elite always oversteps. Now, some want the medical authorities to mandate vaccinations for everyone. It surprises me that it hasn't occurred yet. It has, you declare. "I need to get immunized to go to the movies, a restaurant, to maintain my job, for my kids to go to school, etc." That is force, without a doubt. I view those who reject vaccinations as selfish and foolish. I had my shots, and I hope you will too. However, the government should not impose such practices against our will.