I'm no vet nor am I an expert in animal psychology or behaviors, but I have been in many environments concerning dogs and cats. Honestly, while the cliche is that dogs and cats don't mix, it is all in where your pets came from and how you raise them. It's a lot like siblings; they're the same but different in so many ways. If you are a calm pet owner and encourage peaceful and fun environments for both the dog and the cat, then most things will go smoothly. Don't force them to be together or play together; it will not happen. Cats are independent, so provide them their own space. Dogs mostly need love, so give them lots of love so they don't feel the need to compete with the cat. And lastly, the dog breed matters and the kind of cat you get matters. Usually a stray, rescue or wild cat will not do well with a dog; they hardly do well with most humans. The same for a dog; aggressive breeds usually don't mix well with cats. This is what I would say, but there's much more to consider as well.
Step-by-step explanation: