However this choice between state colleges and private colleges must be made after a thorough analysis on the basis of certain factors.
1. Tuition fee – Since the government runs the state colleges and the operating cost of these colleges fully depends on government funding hence these colleges charge very little fees from the students that anybody can afford. Whereas a private college totally depends on the tuition fee of its students to carry on its operation. Hence the fees are pretty high that everybody cannot afford. When choosing a college one should keep in mind that state residents are eligible for various discounts on tuition fees when they attend an in-state college.
2. Quality of Education – The quality of education offered by a college totally depends on its faculty. The selection criterion for faculty in a government college is very tough, only highly qualified teachers are appointed. Not that the private colleges do not have highly qualified teachers, but the teachers in a state college compete with each other to get into a government college and the gem candidates are selected. So there is no doubt about the quality of education offered by a government college.
3. Job placements – The government colleges have a goodwill and reputation in the industry and are largely recognized by employers rather than private colleges except some renowned ones. More and more students from government colleges get placement in top companies at handsome salaries.
4. Scholarship – A government college also offers financial aid and scholarships to students who need monetary support in the form of grants or loans or scholarships.
5. No debts – Nowadays there are various private colleges and institutions which offers various courses and degrees and for the students to take these courses they provide educational loan facilities which is indirectly forcing parents to get into the burden of debt and latter on it becomes quite difficult for parents to repay the debt. Whereas in case of a state college there is no such burden on the parents as the course fee is affordable.
6. Diversity in student body – State colleges has a large number of students compared to private colleges. A diverse student body belonging from different cultures and coming from different backgrounds provide more opportunities. This kind of atmosphere helps a greater collective knowledge, greater opportunities for learning, and an enjoyable college experience.
7. Competitive atmosphere – Large government colleges tend to foster a feeling of competition in the students. Research reaches new levels and students graduate with top grades. All of these help to build a university’s reputation, which helps attract young students