$2008 less 10/5/20:
10% of $2008 is 0.10 x $2008 = $200.80
5% of $2008 is 0.05 x $2008 = $100.40
20% of $2008 is 0.20 x $2008 = $401.60
So, the total discount is $200.80 + $100.40 + $401.60 = $702.80
The net cost is $2008 - $702.80 = $1305.20
Rounding to the nearest cent, the net cost is $1305.20
$8220 less 30/5/10:
30% of $8220 is 0.30 x $8220 = $2466.00
5% of $8220 is 0.05 x $8220 = $411.00
10% of $8220 is 0.10 x $8220 = $822.00
So, the total discount is $2466.00 + $411.00 + $822.00 = $3699.00
The net cost is $8220 - $3699.00 = $4521.00
Rounding to the nearest cent, the net cost is $4521.00