Answer: "In my opinion, students should be required to maintain at least a C average to participate in sports and clubs. While some may argue that this policy is too strict, I believe that it is a reasonable expectation for students who want to balance their academic and extracurricular pursuits.
Participating in sports and clubs can be a valuable part of a student's high school experience, providing opportunities for socialization, skill development, and personal growth. However, it's important to recognize that academic achievement should always be a top priority. By requiring a minimum C average, we can encourage students to prioritize their studies and ensure that they are making satisfactory progress towards graduation.
Additionally, participation in sports and clubs often requires a significant time commitment outside of regular school hours. Students who are struggling academically may find it difficult to balance their responsibilities, leading to increased stress and ultimately undermining their academic progress. By setting this minimum academic standard, we can ensure that students are prepared to balance their extracurricular activities with their academic pursuits.
Overall, while some may argue that this policy is too strict or may discourage students from participating in extracurricular activities, I believe that it is a necessary step to ensure that students are making academic progress and are able to balance their academic and extracurricular commitments."
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