--------------There are 2 methods--------------
Method 1:
To calculate the 5% raise for the employee, we can multiply their 2021 salary by 0.05 and add the result to their 2021 salary:
5% of $54,000 = 0.05 x $54,000 = $2,700
So, the employee received a raise of $2,700.
To find their salary in 2022, we can add their raise to their 2021 salary:
Salary in 2022 = $54,000 + $2,700 = $56,700
Therefore, the employee made $56,700 in 2022.
Method 2:
We can also calculate the employee's salary in 2022 using the following formula:
Salary in 2022 = Salary in 2021 x (1 + % raise as a decimal)
Using this formula, we can plug in the values given in the problem:
Salary in 2022 = $54,000 x (1 + 0.05) = $54,000 x 1.05 = $56,700
Again, we get the same answer of $56,700 for the employee's salary in 2022.