To ensure a level of consistency and continuity in how the law is interpreted and applied.
Step-by-step explanation:
The underlying principle behind the principle of stare decisis is to ensure a level of consistency and continuity in how the law is interpreted and applied. Stare decisis is a legal doctrine that requires courts to follow and apply the legal precedent set by prior decisions in similar cases. The principle of stare decisis is based on the belief that legal principles and rules should be stable, predictable, and consistent over time.
By following the principle of stare decisis, courts help to ensure that legal rulings are consistent with prior decisions, which can help to build trust in the legal system and promote fairness and justice. This principle also promotes the rule of law and helps to establish a system of checks and balances within the judiciary. However, it is important to note that courts are not bound by stare decisis and can depart from prior rulings if there is a compelling reason to do so.