04.06 Module Four Posttest
Intensive Reading: A Universe of Reading
1} Read the following sentence:
Many troubles will befall you in life, but many joys will as well.
In this context, which of these is a non-example for the word befall?
A) Things will happen to you
B) Things will just occur
C) Things will come about
D) Things will start over
2} Which word best completes this sentence: Her ____________ address was both profound and inspiring as she spoke of ushering in adulthood after college.
A) mailing
B) opening
C) commencement
D) agile
3} Read this sentence:
Giant constrictors share a number of additional traits that either increase the severity of likely ecological impacts or confound control and eradication efforts.
What does eradication mean in this context?
A) Elimination
B) Research
C) Stimulation
D) Tribulation