To create a virtual pet game on Scratch, you can follow these steps:
Create a sprite for the pet and add hunger, bored, and intelligence variables to it. You can also add a backdrop and any other graphics that you want to use.
Use the "forever" block to make the hunger and bored values increase every second. You can do this by using the "change" block and the "wait" block inside a "forever" loop.
Add a "feed" button that sets the hunger back to 0 when clicked. You can use the "ask" block to prompt the user to enter how much food to give the pet and use an "if" block to check that the input is valid (i.e., between 1 and 10 and less than the current hunger value).
If the pet gets too hungry, use the "broadcast" block to send a message to the main script that the pet has died.
Add a "play" button that sets the bored value back to 0 when clicked. You can use the "broadcast" block to send a message to the pet sprite to make it play with a ball. As part of the game, use the "ask" block to prompt the user with a question and check that the input is correct using an "if" block.
If the pet gets too bored, use the "broadcast" block to send a message to the main script that the pet has run away.
Add a "train" button that increases the intelligence value when clicked. You can use an "if" block to check that the intelligence value is less than 100 before increasing it.
Display the hunger, bored, and intelligence values on the screen using the "say" block or other graphics.
You can use Scratch's built-in graphics and sounds or create your own. Remember to test your game as you go and make adjustments as needed.