PARTIE A: Associez le verbe avec le participe passé.
1. prendre a. eu
2. acquérir b. pris
3. avoir c. appris
4. écrire d. compris
5. comprendre e. bu
6. boire f. craint
7. apprendre g. dit
8. craindre h. écrit
9. conduire i. conduit
10. dire j. acquis
Partie B: Remplacez les phrases avec les traductions en français. Utilisez le passé composé.
1. I was able to play.
2. We wanted to travel.
3. He read the novel.
4. She took the train.
5. They (m. pl.) watched the film.
6. I followed the teacher.
7. She opened the door.
8. He laughed.
9. I was here.
10. You (inf.) said hello.
11. I understood my friend.
12. I drove to school.
13. You (form.) ate dinner.
14. They (f. pl.) sang at school.
15. I received a letter.
16. They (m. pl.) drank coffee.
17. She had a notebook.
18. He feared his mother.
19. I opened the door.
20. I offered my notes.