9 boxes have been packed
Here we have a problem which has mixed representations of numbers decimals and fractions. Either convert all fractions to decimals or all decimals to fractions to solve
Though both will give the same result when rounded, in this case it is easier to convert everything to fractions because 1/12 cannot be represented accurately
- Convert 37.5 to a mixed fraction
37.5 = 37 + 0.5 = 37 + 1/2 = 37 1/2
- Convert mixed fraction 37 1/2 to improper fraction
37 1/2 = (37 x 2 + 1)/2 = 75/2
- Convert 0.5 to fraction
0.5 = 1/2
- He has packed 1/2 of 75/2 pounds
=> 1/2 x 75/2 = 75/4 pounds packed
- Each box contains 2 1/12 pounds
2 1/12 = (2 x 12 + 1)/12 = 25/12 pounds
- Number of boxes packed
= Pounds packed ÷ pounds per box
= 75/4 ÷ 25/12
When fraction is a divisor, flip the fraction and multiply by dividend
==> 75/4 x 12/25
= (75 x 12)/(4 x 25)
= 900/100
= 9 boxes
- If half the total quantity can be packed in 9 boxes, it will take 18 boxes to pack the whole stuff
- Each box can hold 25/12 pounds
- 18 boxes can hold 18 x 25/12 = 18/12 x 25 = 3/2 x 25 = 75/2 = 37.5 lbs
Hence checks out