Paragraph on a house on fire
Step-by-step explanation:
Fire is a good servant but it is a bad master. Yesterday, I was returning home from school when I saw a house on fire. The smoke was coming through the window. The people were running to and fro. I soon went home and rang up the fire brigade.
Soon, the flames and clouds of smoke started touching the sky. The people of the nearby houses vacated their houses. The owner of the house was weeping bitterly. His only son had been left sleeping in the upper story.
By this time, a large number of people gathered there. No one had the courage to take risk of his own life. I brought a ladder and placed it against the wall. I darted up like an arrow. I brought the child safe and sound on my arms. All the people praised me.
Soon the fire-brigade was rung up. The fire engines arrived and the fire-men set about their work. They began playing the house in various parts of the building. They fought hard with the flames and tried to bring the fire under control. At last, they succeeded in putting it out before morning.
The whole building was reduced to ashes. There was a great loss of property, but thank God, there was no loss of life.