It would be the entire body.
Hearts are fist-sized body organ that is responsible for pumping the blood around your entire body. It's the principal organ in your circulatory system.
The heart is comprised of four major sections (chambers) composed of muscle, and controlled by electricity. Brain and nerve system regulate the function of your heart.
What would the heart diagram appear like?
The outside and the inside of your heart have elements that control blood flow
Inside of the Heart
Outside of the Heart
What is the function of the heart?
The main purpose of your heart is to pump blood through your body. Your heart also
Controls the rhythm and the speed that you heartbeat.
Keeps Your your blood pressure.
The way that your heart function in conjunction with the other organs ?
Your heart functions with other organ systems in your body to regulate your heart rate, as well as other bodily functions. The most important systems are:
The nervous system : Your nervous system assists in controlling the rate of your heart. It sends signals telling that your heart beats slower at rest, and more quickly during high stress.
System of the endocrine: Your body's endocrine systems emits hormones. These hormones signal that your blood vessels are constricting and relax. This alters the blood pressure. The hormones produced by your thyroid gland can also signal that your heart beat faster or slow.
What is the place where your heart?
The heart is located at the chest's front. It lies just behind and right of the heart's sternum (breastbone). The ribcage of your body protects your heart.
Which side of your heart are you on?
Your heart is situated slightly to the left side of the body. It's located between your left and right lung. Left lung size is smaller than the right to create space for your heart inside the left chest.
How large can your heart be?
Every heart has a smaller or larger. In general, adult hearts are roughly the same as two fists that are clenched and the children's heart is about identical to a fist that is clenched.
How do you weigh your heart?
The average adult's heart weighs around 10 pounds. The heart can weigh slightly more or less, based on the size of your body and your sex.
What are the different parts of the anatomy of the heart?
The components of your heart are like the different parts of an apartment. Your heart contains:
Chambres (rooms).
Valves (doors).
The blood vessels (plumbing).
Electric conduction (electricity).
Heart walls
The walls of your heart are muscles which are contracted (squeeze) in order to allow blood to flow all over your body. A layer of muscle tissue known as the septum divides the heart's walls into right and left sides.
The walls of your heart have three layers:
Endocardium: Inner layer.
Myocardium: Muscular middle layer.
Epicardium: Protective outer layer.
The epicardium is a layer in your pericardium. The pericardium is a sac that covers the entire heart. It makes fluid to protect your heart from rubbing and to keep it from touching other organs.
Heart chambers
The heart is divided in four compartments. There are two chambers on the top (atrium plural atrium, plural) and two at the lower (ventricles) each on each side of the heart.
Right atrium: Two massive veins carry oxygen-deficient blood to the right atrium. The superior vena cava transports the blood of your body's upper. The inferior vena cava carries blood from your lower body. The right atrium then pumps blood to the right ventricle.
Right ventricle Lower right-sided chamber pumps oxygen-deficient blood towards your lung through the pulmonary arterial. The lungs replenish blood by supplying oxygen.
Left Atrium When the lungs provide oxygen to blood and pulmonary veins, they carry blood to the left atrium. The chamber in the upper part pumps blood to the left ventricle.
left ventricle Left ventricle may be bigger that the left. It circulates rich oxygenated blood into the remainder of your body.
Heart valves
It is believed that your heart valves are like the doors between your chambers of the heart. They can be closed and open for blood to flow through.
The Atrioventricular (AV) valves are open between your lower and upper heart chambers. They are comprised of:
Tricuspid valve The valve that connects your right atrium and the right ventricle.
Mitral valve door between your left atrium as well as your left ventricle.
Semilunar (SL) valves are open as blood flows out of your ventricles. They are comprised of:
Aortic valve It opens when blood flows from your left ventricle into your Aorta (artery which carries the oxygen rich blood that flows through your body).
Pulmonary valve It opens when blood flows from your right ventricle into your pulmonary blood vessels (the only ones that supply oxygen-deficient blood to your lung).
Blood vessels