REM Program to calculate the area and volume of a room
DIM length, breadth, height, area, volume AS SINGLE
INPUT "Enter the length of the room: ", length
INPUT "Enter the breadth of the room: ", breadth
INPUT "Enter the height of the room: ", height
REM Call user-defined function to calculate area
area = calculateArea(length, breadth)
REM Call sub-program to calculate volume
CALL calculateVolume(length, breadth, height, volume)
PRINT "The area of the room is "; area; " square units."
PRINT "The volume of the room is "; volume; " cubic units."
REM User-defined function to calculate area
FUNCTION calculateArea(l, b)
calculateArea = l * b
REM Sub-program to calculate volume
SUB calculateVolume(l, b, h, v)
v = l * b * h
Step-by-step explanation:
The program first asks the user to enter the length, breadth, and height of the room. It then calls a user-defined function calculateArea to calculate the area of the room, which is stored in the area variable. The program then calls a sub-program calculateVolume to calculate the volume of the room, which is stored in the volume variable. Finally, the program prints the values of area and volume.
Note that the user-defined function calculateArea takes two parameters l and b which represent the length and breadth of the room respectively, and returns the product of l and b, which is the area of the room. The sub-program calculateVolume takes three parameters l, b, and h which represent the length, breadth, and height of the room respectively, and calculates the product of l, b, and h, which is the volume of the room. The volume is stored in the variable v, which is passed as a parameter to the sub-program.