- independent: hours; dependent: cost of parking
- The cost of parking is a function of the amount of time a car is parked.
- see attached
- (1, 3) . . . . it costs $3 to park 1 hour
Given the cost of parking is $3 per hour to a maximum of $12, you want to identify the dependent and independent variables, a statement of the functional relationship, a graph, and the meaning of a point on the graph.
1. Variables
Usually, when time is involved, it is the independent variable. Or, you can look at the given rate ($3 per hour), and consider the quantity after the "per" to be the independent variable. Here, that is hours. The quantity ahead of the "per" is the dependent variable, dollar cost.
- independent: hours
- dependent: cost (dollars)
2. Function
We can describe the functional relation by saying, ...
"The cost of parking in dollars is a function of the amount of time a car is parked."
3. Graph
For the grid shown, it is convenient to label the horizontal axis "Hours", and the vertical axis "Cost (dollars)". In order to represent a cost of $12, we can choose to have each grid line in the vertical direction represent $3 of cost.
Each grid line in the horizontal direction can represent 1 hours without difficulty.
The graph can be plotted by considering the cost. 0 hours costs 0 dollars. 1 hour costs $3, up to 4 hours costs $12. After 4 hours, the cost remains at $12, a horizontal line to the right of (4, 12).
4. Point
As discussed in part 3, the point (1, 3) means 1 hour of parking costs $3.