In Java:
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int regularhour,overtimehour;
float regularpay,overtimepay;
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Regular Hour: ");
regularhour = input.nextInt();
System.out.print("Overtime Hour: ");
overtimehour = input.nextInt();
System.out.print("Regular Pay: ");
regularpay = input.nextFloat();
System.out.print("Overtime Pay: ");
overtimepay = input.nextFloat();
float regulargross = regularhour * regularpay;
float overtimegross = overtimehour * overtimepay;
float totalgross = regulargross + overtimegross;
System.out.println("Regular Gross Pay: "+regulargross);
System.out.println("Overtime Gross Pay: "+overtimegross);
System.out.println("Total Gross Pay: "+totalgross);
Step-by-step explanation:
This line declares regularhour and overtimehour as integer
int regularhour,overtimehour;
This line declares regularpay and overtimepay as float
float regularpay,overtimepay;
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
This prompts the user for regular hour
System.out.print("Regular Hour: ");
This gets the regular hour
regularhour = input.nextInt();
This prompts the user for overtime hour
System.out.print("Overtime Hour: ");
This gets the overtime hour
overtimehour = input.nextInt();
This prompts the user for regular pay
System.out.print("Regular Pay: ");
This gets the regular pay
regularpay = input.nextFloat();
This prompts the user for overtime pay
System.out.print("Overtime Pay: ");
This gets the overtime pay
overtimepay = input.nextFloat();
This calculates the regular gross pay
float regulargross = regularhour * regularpay;
This calculates the overtime gross pay
float overtimegross = overtimehour * overtimepay;
This calculates the total gross pay
float totalgross = regulargross + overtimegross;
This prints the regular gross pay
System.out.println("Regular Gross Pay: "+regulargross);
This prints the overtime gross pay
System.out.println("Overtime Gross Pay: "+overtimegross);
This prints the total gross pay
System.out.println("Total Gross Pay: "+totalgross);