a. To calculate 213 of 20, we can use the formula: (part/whole) x 100
213 of 20 = (213/20) x 100 = 1065
So, 213 of 20 is equal to 1065.
b. To calculate fraction of a fraction, we can multiply the fractions together.
25 of / b = (25/100) x (1/b) = 25/b00 = 1/b4
So, 25 of / b is equal to 1/b4.
c. To calculate the percentage of the whole, we can use the formula: (part/whole) x 100
S a. 15% of 150 = (15/100) x 150 = 22.5
So, 15% of 150 is equal to 22.5.
b. 20% of 200 = (20/100) x 200 = 40
So, 20% of 200 is equal to 40.
c. 50% of 500 = (50/100) x 500 = 250
So, 50% of 500 is equal to 250.