Answer: A soccer ball is kicked with an initial horizontal speed of 5 m/s and an initial vertical speed of
3 m/s. Assuming that projection and landing height are the same and neglecting air resistance,
identify the following quantities:
a. The ball’s horizontal speed is 0.5 seconds into its flight
5 m/s because horizontal speed is constant
b. The ball’s horizontal speed midway through its flight
5 m/s because horizontal speed is constant
c. The ball’s horizontal speed immediately before contact with the ground
5 m/s because horizontal speed is constant
d. The ball’s vertical speed at the apex of its flight
0 m/s because the ball changes directions at the apex and must reach zero speed
before changing directions
e. The ball’s vertical speed midway through its flight
0 m/s – the apex is midway because the projection and landing height are the same, so
the reason is the same as d.
f. The ball’s vertical speed immediately before contact with the ground
3 m/s because the projection and landing heights are the same, projection and landing
speeds are the same
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