World History fill in the black:
allowed rapid production of weaponry during the war. However, soldiers themselves found ways to make effective weapons for fighting in the trenches, including sharpened flying airships called were used by the Germans for long- range, high altitude attacks, striking as far away as London. In order to overcome defenses like barbed wire, machine gun nests and the trenches, the British and French created the first Another new defensive weapon was the , which could lob a hand grenade-like shell up to about 800 feet. (20) World War I reached far outside of Europe, with major combat on the high seas, in China and the Pacific, the West Asian portion of the Ottoman Empire, and in where one German colony was not subdued during the war. Two German warships in the Mediterranean, the cruiser Breslau and the battlecruiser escaped British pursuit to wind up in the Ottoman Empire, where they influenced the Ottomans to join the war on the German side with disastrous results for themselves. British troops could, as a result, start to dismember the Ottoman Empire, attacking up the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers to eventually capture in March, 1917. , a minor British officer, organized the Arab guerillas into a successful fighting force, which helped chase the Ottomans out of western Arabia. By 1918 the British were approaching the modern-day borders of when the war ended. (25) kept the US out of the war for many reasons in 1914, the most important of which was probably that we weren't prepared. Although the US was initially divided over the question of intervention in the war, German U-boat attacks and the attack on neutral swayed public opinion against in 1915 by U-boats caused a Germany. The sinking of the crisis, but the Germans promised Wilson they would stop the practice of giving Britain a break in the blockade and gave Wilson the power to expand the US military. The Germans of Wilson in November, 1916, then misjudged the results of the thinking that he and the nation lacked the resolve to go to war, and resumed the submarine attacks in the following month. (30)