For question 1, the United States should take a proactive role in international affairs after WWII by promoting diplomacy, engaging in collective security, and supporting initiatives that promote human rights while providing aid and assistance to allies.
For question 2, steps that could be taken after WWII to prevent WWIII include establishing collective security agreements, forming alliances with other countries, promoting economic cooperation, and using diplomacy and negotiation to resolve disputes instead of resorting to military action.
For question 1, WWII led to the rise of the US and Soviet Union as rival superpowers because during this war the two countries emerged as the preeminent powers in the world and developed competing ideologies.
For question 2, the domino theory proposes that if one country falls to communism then its neighbors will follow suit, while the principle of containment states that communism must be "contained" and not allowed to expand further.
For question 3, the US attempted to contain communism by signing the Truman Doctrine, providing economic aid through the Marshall Plan, conducting the Berlin Airlift, forming NATO, and providing economic and military aid to allies.
For Video #1, Iron Curtain:
1. The Iron Curtain is a metaphor for the political and ideological boundary that divided Europe into two separate areas from the end of WWII until the end of the Cold War.
2. The Iron Curtain was created by the Soviet Union and it signified the division between western democracy and eastern soviet communism.
For Video #2, Berlin Airlift:
1. The Berlin Airlift was a humanitarian operation conducted by the United States and its allies to provide food, fuel, and supplies to West Berlin after it was blockaded by the Soviets.
2. The Soviet Union had hoped that by blocking off West Berlin they would be able to annex it.
3. The Berlin Airlift was successful in breaking the blockade and providing supplies to the citizens of West Berlin.