Mary Church Terrell utilized different ways to deal with battle for equivalent freedoms for Individuals of color. One of her outstanding methodologies was through activism and putting together. She was an establishing individual from the Public Relationship of Shaded Ladies (NACW), which was laid out in 1896 to advance the freedoms and government assistance of People of color. Terrell was likewise an individual from the Public American Lady Testimonial Affiliation (NAWSA) and attempted to propel the testimonial development for ladies, including People of color. She involved her foundation as an essayist, public speaker, and extremist to challenge prejudice and sexism, and promoter for training and monetary open doors for Individuals of color. Terrell put stock in the force of grassroots getting sorted out and local area working to impact change and worked vigorously to assemble and engage People of color to become problem solvers in their own networks.