I just looked this up real quick so it's not gonna be super good but i'll try, I hope this helps.
To protect the brown bear population, we as humans need to understand that their lives are important and that we can help to keep them safe. One of the things we can do to protect the brown bears is to plant more fruit trees and other plants that provide food for the bears to eat. In doing so, we are reducing the risk of brown bears dying from starvation or getting sick from eating things that they are not meant to eat as a result of food shortages. We also need to reduce the poaching and persecution of brown bears by putting more restrictions on hunting guidelines and making it harder for people to legally hunt brown bears without consequence. Lastly, we can further protect the brown bear population by reducing the amounts of students that will grow up to become hunters. In order to do this, we need to implement more environmental programs into school systems to teach students about the importance of protecting and preserving nature. By implementing these programs, we can help more students to realize that it is our jobs as humans to take care of the planet we were given and the other beings we share it with. If we work together to reduce the poaching of brown bears and other animals that have lower populations, we would be allowing the brown bears to have more chances to survive and reproduce in order to grow their population. Therefore, in order to protect the brown bear population, we should plant more food for the bears, put more restrictions on hunting brown bears, and implement more enviornmental teaching programs in schools to help students understand tha value of brown bear's lives and reduce the amount of students who will grow up to become hunters.