Estimate of 938,617 - 254 is 938, 300
To round to the nearest hundred we look at the digit in the hundreds place and examine the digit to the right of it. If the digit to the right of the 100's place is 5 or greater round the hundreds digit up, else leave it as is. Make all the digits to the right of the 100's digit zeros
938,617 rounded to the nearest 100 is 938,600
The 6 in the hundreds place stays the same, because the digit to the right in the tens place is 1 which is less than 5
254 rounded to 100's place = 300
The digit in the 100's place is 2; the digit to the right of it is 5 so round 2 to 3 and make all digits to its right as 0
Estimate of 938,617 - 254 = 938,600 - 300 = 938, 300
Actual value of 938,617 - 254 = 938,363 so we are off by only a small margin