When researching a company that switched to the production of military goods during World War II, consider the following steps:
Identify the company that you want to research. Some well-known examples include I B M, Fo rd, Gen eral Mo tors, and Proct & Gam, but you can choose any company that interests you.
Use search engines such as Goo gle or Bing to find information about the company's history and products. You can search for the company's name, its industry, and its role during World War II. You may want to use specific keywords like "World War II production" or "wartime products" to refine your search.
When evaluating web resources, make sure to use reliable sources such as company websites, historical archives, or scholarly articles. Evaluate the credibility and accuracy of the information provided, and be aware of potential biases or agendas.
Take notes on the company's pre-war products and how they changed during the war. Consider how the company's reputation was affected by its wartime role, both in the short term and long term.
Organize your notes into a well-structured paper. Include an introduction, a background on the company, a description of the wartime products, and an analysis of how the war affected the company's reputation. Be sure to cite your sources properly using a recognized citation format such as MLA or APA.
Remember to carefully proofread and edit your paper to ensure that it is well-written and clearly expresses your ideas. Good luck with your research!